today was just another day of work. i worked both weekend days in efforts to get myself a full weekend off this coming end of week.

living in a terrorist. i mean terrorist afraid place is pretty fun. you gotta wonder when your time is up, though lately it has been thwarted for myself as an individual because i am all about my goodluck charms, turquoise rings and hope necklaces…belonging to people now dead, though their protective energy i can imagine will stop the fire from hitting me in my car, give me extra breaths as the tunnels fill with water to reach the top.

yeah, you become hyper aware of that. who’s got the bomb in his bag, if you smile at him will he at least wait until the next stop to set it off? then you picture all sorts of random escape routes, if there even are any…that’s what fun in a subway car has become.

if i were to die doing something as innocent as commuting, that-joke-in-the-office would have all our blood on his hands. and i would be pretty pissed. yeah, that is pretty redundant.

though these things like avian bird flu and all the other fun brews of a good time will probably get ‘cha before any big bombs do…

though tuesday being such a popular bombing time in the minds of the murder intent is gonna make me A-ok. it being my day off and all. and you gotta think…tuesday is 10-11, october 11th. the theory is that so many people take off on mondays that tuesdays the trains are especially ripe. ripe with people going to work, most of who do not support this terror madman in the office, most who did not even fucking vote for his stupid ass. but yeah, punish us please. make a point.

when we were young we pointed fingers at israel and palestine thinking, “thank god that isn’t us”. all those bombs falling, the buses blowing up. soon that will be us—only because there is always a way with such strong wills and intent that success wouldn’t be impossible. i have been saying it since 9-11. that our trains and simultaneous type attacks would paralyze the commerce here for quite some time.

now we all are kind of shaky, taking those trains, knowing it’s just a matter of time.

but i wear my rings.
and i remember it’s not my time to die.