Well if there was a week to hate Bush and “god”, this would be it. He gets called away from one of his lengthy and frequent vacations to address the gulf coast disaster, or rather the complete obliteration of New Orleans. And people ask, why, where is the money to help our own country? Where’s the money that is supposed to be here to assist our own citizens in a time of disaster? Well, by all accounts the WAH ON TERRAH at last count was somewhere around $191 billion dollars. It should make all of you who voted for him excited to realize that we now have to accept ALL help from other countries and outside agencies because we are ill-prepared to deal with our own domestic issues. Oh no, in order to secure our very own oil interests and the interests of Cheney’s buddies at Halliburton, we have made friends with Iraq and blown them and ourselves up all over the desert. It really is a shame.

The best and most exciting thing I heard once I got home from work: 50 something cops locked themselves in a Walmart with guns firefighting off looters in New Orleans.

Every day someone else says something ignorant to me. Well, they said, how could you not leave with all of the warnings? Um, did anyone realize that the fact that 1 out of 7 people in the heart of New Orleans owned a car. And not because they had a helicopter, but because it is poor. And not poor in that they couldn’t buy that extra carton of ice cream because it’s too expensive, but that kind of poor that can only be helped by having more babies for more welfare benefits. I don’t blame them. That kind of poverty has very few solutions, and barely anything in terms of opportunity. And the southern mentality is to stick by your guns, stay home and ride it out. When you don’t have any money for a car (with the price of gas who really does) and no money to buy food, what makes these people think these people were prepared to shell out any money for a greyhound bus ticket or five? Yeah, if people had any heart, they would have given these people who had nothing a way out, instead of blaming them for not leaving.

And this guy, our president, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars making sure his oil interests are protected, was elected by poor people in areas like this. Because they identified with his christian mentality, and feared gay marriage as much as any warm-blooded christian should. Gay marriage! Oh no! What next? Well, this is what you get. A complete piece of garbage who has decided that his own selfish interests are more relevant than those of the people whom he supposedly represents.

And for those who think this is a war on terror, I would have to say, now, yes, yes it is. Because if you thought we had enemies before, remember there were parts of the middle east that we didn’t taunt and tease so OBVIOUSLY engage our interests in…. Now we have people who want us dead if not simply for the fact that our arrogant president doesn’t seem to understand the concept of learning a lesson. Or fifteen. Now there are terrorists from Iraq who want to kill us because we are just that dumb. Or maybe I shouldn’t take responsibility for that. I didn’t vote for him. I just knew better.

Regardless. I would love to say I was a better person who could see myself going down there to help people out. But I am not there, and somewhat out of touch. And I really don’t think getting shot or raped would be too much of a party. I went through 9/11 and just like then people forget. Everyone will recount knowing someone who went through that there, “my cousin’s friend’s brother saw it coming yet got out”. Just like 9/11, “My neighbor’s friends husband died”. And then everyone goes on with their days, and forget about everything they can’t see. Such is the case in a consumerist society, buy buy buy, consume consume consume. Get a bigger and better than your neighbor, yeah, that’s how to do it.

And if you think you can relate to Mr. Bush’s stance on this. I would ask you how you could watch him sit there and laugh and insinuate that New Orleans would be a big party again. Yeah, some big party. And never a moment of empathy, or sympathy. Not a moment of sadness crossed his face. Not once did you see him solemn. And he himself admits not enough was done to help them. If your own president admits he hasn’t done enough to help, then what do you have?

A country we should all be ashamed of. And a president that should be out of office right now.

And on another note. Murder is inexcusable. But looting in an area where no one is there to help you, when your own government is not doing a damn thing to help you. When you have nothing. And no one to help you…you have to help yourself. And stealing in those circumstances is completely fucking acceptable if you ask me. Not guns. But food, stuff to sell to make money. Who can really blame them?