gotta love the webcam ladies and poop faces…so I been on this rock n roll binge with my new bunny marc…chillin since the wee hours of thurzday mornin…but, but, but, I thought you hated boyz dernana? you say, and once again yes, I concur, but….well…sometimes you meet people at the most inopportune times, and although yer hart may be a deadened piece of petrified poop, there is always room for a new friend or two…so now we be chillin yo, over in the otha burrough..and we chilled with the jizzefebel and diane and jason an sheAT…but anyways, that was yesterday, today is like a happy little sun comin out from behind the clouds after the apocalypse…ps…the photos with the draw-RINGS of the sketchy doodles on my hands are just those…draw-RINGS…but maybe a change of mind inspiration for me…..