Those sicko pictures I post sometimes to get you thinking…Yeah. I was away with my lovely. Every day started the same, wake up at 7 something. Breakfast. Fishing for piggies. Piggies are what I call all fishes and so does the boy. Because his own fishes are complete piggies. Anyways. Fluke. I caught 2 the first day, 3 yesterday and none today. Today being the worst with my two sea robbins and one ornery crab. Oh well. I made a new song up as well. “Time to catch the piggies, time to catch the piggies and stab them in the face, and stab them in the face”. The killies, the little bait, you have to literally stab in the face. I feel bad about them, you know, stabbing them in the face. But if I wasn’t the one stabbing them, it would be someone else. And I feel bad about it, so that’s the best I can do for them. I let a bunch go today, and generally try to release them before they are completely useless. But sometimes they leave their lips on the hook, and you gotta scream at them, telling them they forgot their lips. Just so they know, you know. After fishing for the piggies, several hours at the beach. Then delicious food at the Brielle Yacht Club one night, and the barbecue the next. And ice cream. Can’t ever forget ice cream. In bed by midnight every night. Woke up feeling like superstars. Oh god why did we return? I have no good reason. Except its not our house and life is happening for us cityside. For now.

So I am once again procrastinating the huge task in front of me. Yet I have a new push, a motivation of sorts. My lovely, the superstar E, got bootied out of his place because his roommate, a wimpy ass chick with no balls, decided she didn’t like him. So she and the other roommate ganged up on the boy and told him to go. The main problem I have with this general scenario is that the girl, we shall call big wimpy bitch, apparently had not the balls or maturity to state her issues with E directly, but instead utilized the mommy figure, ie Kelly, to do her dirty work. E has been living there the longest, but luckily for the girls, cannot be on any legal lease because his parents need him ton their own lease because of fidgity and messed up stuff with their building. So after four years living there, the roommate with two years of living there has told E to go, all to make way for Ms. No Spine who has been living there for one year. This is the main problem I have with immaturity. People do insane things to people with crazy justifications because they are too stupid and asinine to see the weaknesses in their own arguments. Now, if said girl had given E some kind of warning, or say, had any balls to actually tell him she had a problem with him, then I would totally understand him getting kicked out for not following through. Unfortunately, however, we are talking about two girls born after 1980 who have no human decency or common sense. So he will have to be vacating at some point in the distant future to my own abode. Which is cool because I have been surfing at his bed for a number of months. And there is nothing I wouldn’t do to help him. I do hope, however, that these chicks end up getting their just desserts, ie, a real jerk of a roommate who cheats them out of rent and other assorted money in bills. I am disgusted at both of their behaviors and immaturities enough to wish something bad would happen, but people like that deserve to get it the good old fashioned way: what you put out you get tenfold at times