There’s something incredibly primal about the heat. It seems to bring out the worst in people, or shall we say survival instincts. Today seems to be a little worse than yesterday, somewhat worsened by our fantastic evening and day yesterday. A heat layering, perhaps?

I decided today I really just don’t care. There are some days when the least amount of clothing humanly possible seems to be the way to go. Generally this is something I avoid because of the disgust people show not just for my tattoos but my pretty belly full of scars. But today, I don’t even care. The hoots and hollers I usually get for my faux nakedness were not present, instead replaced with ooohs and raised eyebrows. But I couldn’t care less, because in heat like this, everyone should be naked.

Which brings the fact that working this evening is a blessing in and of itself. That’s for sure. Air conditioning. Free dinner. Plenty of liquids to meet your fancy. Life can be pretty good when you let it be.

Other than this, my head wants to spin off and find itself a new place to rest. Heataches. I mean, headaches. No good at tall. Nuh-uh.

Yesterday’s Franz Ferdinand casting went well enough. Generally I just don’t really put too much seriousness in the process of going to castings. Mostly because I have no experience and feel bad for the extreme seriousness of everyone else there. My friend being the casting director doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t really matter regardless, because if there are better people to cast, it is her job to do so, and I could never fault her for not casting me. Though I was deliciously lovely even in all of that heat, so one never knows…

And in better news, the boy and I get to run off to Spring Lake on Sunday for a few days. Something I have been looking forward to for quite a little while, a mini-vacation with my love. Beach, fishing. All the good stuff…truly, it’s the best. These little kicks of pretty can keep me going for quite a while, I tell ya.