I have been doing a lot of that thing we do when we don’t want to hurt or insult our friends or the people that they know, lately. I have conceded to accept a cessation of drama, because I am not a jerk. It started with not wanting to make a phone company employee feel bad about themselves and was extended to keeping my mouth shut in a situation where the same fingers of accusation should be redirected inward.
The main problem that I have with being the mature girl in these circles is that my human defense system wants to spout my defense out as a retort to the completely unjustified hatred extended in my general direction. It’s hard, Mr. D, as I am sure you are well aware, for me to sit and not defend myself. But, I am happy with myself, happier with my friends, happy to be alive, and happy not to be the kind of person to stir this kind of drama up by acknowledging it specifically in a public forum such as this. So I wrote my reply, and hid it for my own private eyes only. I would never do anything to hurt my friends by hurting the people that they love, but I just wish the same courtesy would be extended my way. It’s a dreamer’s wish, nothing based in any kind of acceptable reality, but I still can wish anything I want. Much as I can write anything I want. And I can also allow only the people I call “friends” to post about my shit. I cannot trust the maturity levels of the general public not to make a party over nitpicking about how I write, and the fact that I make up words. It also seems, much to the dismay of others, it is also aggravating that I know what words I use that are real, and what words are fake.
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