life is good, but my penchant for smartass little posts is completely dead at this moment.

I stuff my mouth with grapes because they taste good– though in Brooklyn everything tastes a little bit better than it does in Jersey. There’s a little life over here that doesn’t quite pump through the bowels of downtown Jersey City. Not that it’s not trying to be a little Brooklyn, that place o’er there. But honestly, it simply fails in the aesthetics of it it all. There are a few pretty pretties downtown, one being exactly a block away from me. However, just a general observation is that downtown is like Brooklyn was when we first moved there in 1998, struggling and discovering itself and procreating its hipsters and cafes and restaurants out at a furious pace later on as things were growing out out out.

But c’mon now. That was 6 years ago! Do I wanna wait that long for the real life to come barreling in?

No no no.

Oh, and I’m canceling Christmas for myself this year. Simply cannot afford it, or anything that it entails. I will make cookies and a pumpkin pie I can pick at all day long as I steal big dollops from the cool whip container. But otherwise, Christmas is dead to me…you hear that?