Sooo….the weekend. There was the ball of sorts..didn’t go last year, showed up this year to check it out. Strange to see City Hall over-run with the neighborhood hipsters…nice seeing people dress up and that. I didn’t really talk to anyone. I do that sometimes. A few years ago it was this idea that I assumed people didn’t remember me. So I would quietly pass by unless it seemed that they did. Weird girl? Sure…sometimes I just have nothing to say. Someone asked me how modeling the runway show was. Oh, no no, Jersey doesn’t book D…NYC, sure, but I have never worked a job in Jersey except one at a bar in Newark as a runway model and that was booked from the city. So no, Deanna doesn’t model in Jersey City except if one of those boys catches me with a camera in hand. Which is not modeling but a happy accident.

I miss my dog. She’s a little snuggle bunny sleepy girl. The best bed mate ever. Here I have my rickety couch, and a pot of coffee to keep me warm. Oh, I have my actual bed bed here too. But it’s not the thing to try and fix to lay out to work on your own as its a big tempur-pedic. So I am literally pinning my body flat up against the back of the couch, face in cushion, butt hanging off the back at night. I did get to sleep in E’s place twice this week as my little pup Sophie needed some supervision.

Yesterday was K and C and me at K’s house. Drank two bottles of wine, did our old school brunch, some other K&D things…(wink wink). Then ran off to see Kiki his lovely wife and Lady L. He fed us the most ridiculous salmon dinner. Y-um-um-um. I like hanging out with them…and though they are in my parents’ age range they are super fun and easy to get along with. It’s something I have been able to appreciate more as I get older, the idea that hanging out with friends doesn’t need to involve heeding any cliques. I am allergic to those and choose to flow in and out of where and what I want at all times.

Wow, that was a boring entry now wasn’t it? I am thinking of going all crazy political soon…reading what I wrote on the subjects made me you go, girl, myself so, yeah, maybe so. Tonight I am going to try going to a “writer’s seminar” in town. I am the anti-writer and artist in that I usually hang out with none of either except F, who paints. I like the quiet. It’s the only place my mind can scream.