So…I cut my hair off yesterday. Not all of it. Just my usual Spring shearing…but it’s December, right? Yeah, it is, and my hair was frazzled and crackly. So I had to do it. And I don’t have the means at this moment to do the real deal. The hair is gonna be half brown by the next time I plan on cutting it or doing anything, Good thing it’s winter and all about hiding under hats. But yeah…it took several hours of nitpicking and cutting this hair and that to get my little fringe bob thing with bangs. It’s best to have rockstar hair come spring, and I cut some layers in too to prevent it from being triangle-and-uglier-than-anything head I would really like to avoid having.

I think I am going to apply to be a thoracic surgery administrative assistant, office greeter and yes, the girl behind the desk. At my hospital. How much would they like to have someone who’s been through it, and THERE no less, to advocate for them and for the whole scary process at all? I assume that’s a selling point, anyways. I am also thinking I have some great friends at the hospital who do seem to care about keeping me alive.

Anyways, enough of that. If any of this is being followed from the single stack of cards I left in the coffee shop or from my own page elsewhere, well, no worries. I know this needs fixing. And it will be pretty soon. For a girl’s first venture doing anything like this, it’s not all bad. And all I can ask is to keep improving on improving.

I will be in town until Monday to wrangle to settle one thing to keep the cash flowing…right now I am just sitting in the studio awaiting the time to go uptown to the hospital to get my medicine, something lacking with no health insurance usually.

But it’s cold and it’s December and I’m alive and I’m making plans and things are happening so what more could a girl ask for? Not a heck of a lot, I can tell you that.