So F came back later that night, squelching my anger at the
meeting that was not even had on my “birthday”. Though we didn’t
celebrate it anyways, because I was angry and too pissed off to really
give a shit about it at that point. I’m sure I won’t forget my birthday
anyways. Paul sent me a lovely lovely little present, tickets to see
Muse in New York and a little book with his printed words sliding
across the inside cover.

When I was walking outside earlier, it was as if the earth shook, and
people parted their crowds to watch me and my little buppity come
traipsing down the block. She barked at some kids that jumped from the
street to the curb right in front of her, whereupon I said, sorry,
people keep jumping out at her. Every morning I can be found in Dunkin
Donuts, my dog daintily perched at my feet, waiting patiently for me to
get my coffee. Every morning someone seems to ask me if she attacks,
and I always reply with, well, I would never take an animal like that
out in public, and then point to my sweater with “she sleeps under the
covers, she’s the sweetest dog”.

I am obsessed with my dog, but not to the point where I get doggy
portraits taken of her, I don’t purchase special items with her name
branded on them either. She doesn’t even have dog cookies, but she
really is an awesome animal. Some lady asked me if I took her to
training school. No no, I trained her. I still treat her like a cute
adorable puppy, so she often tricks people to the reality of her age.
Kissing and squeezing, and the dog will rest her little arms on your
shoulders when she wants a hug.

But anyways, enough of that.

The leaves are changing fast, and my favorite tree on the block lost
its plumage to a neat black trash can today. It’s sad, this death, and
fall has often held a special place in the wheel for me, bringing such
a catastrophic change in weather plans in relationships.

I have it set up neatly in staggered rows. A certain someone could huff and puff and blow my whole town down.

But I will be careful. I will.

I was working last night and was asked to stay late, a plan I did not
want to encourage. I stayed for two extra hours contemplating it, but
realized rather quickly that I would have been excruciatingly pissed
off if I had to do that. I considered it, and as I was trying to leave,
started to get hit on almost relentlessly, hearing “that turtleneck
sweater, so sexy. You are incredibly beautiful and on and on”. It kind
of made me giggle, not because the person who said it was unattractive,
because he’s not. He’s actually very fucking cute. But he smokes way
too many cigarettes, and my mind isn’t into that, yada yada. He got me
some roses, and as I was leaving, to rock the boat in some sultry
ridiculous way, leaned over and whispered in his ear, thanks for the
roses, and tried to scoot out the door. He came scrambling out with,
“did I tip you?”, almost panting. And I, being sultry seduction angel
at that moment said, “oh, no sweetie you’re fine. You tipped me. I’ll
see you tomorrow” and then I sped off into the distance in a cab. When
I get a couple drinks in me, I want to take on the world sometimes. I
have to remember that. It totally is an issue of growing alcohol balls,
or some such thing, because I would never normally have the gall to say
half the shit I say drunk, sober. And when I am on the prowl, you best
watch out, because I will tear you apart with promises of better stuff.

Hmm. I got my first transcription check yesterday. Now I have some cash to
put in the bank, as well as checks. I have become somewhat of a cheap
bastard lately, choosing the cheap route to the finer route. I will go
to a matinee over a regular show and all that shit.

I think I’m gonna bus my butt northward to mass tomorrow. To see miss
Francine. And then, I’m thinking of trying to get off on Wednesday, but
I don’t know if I can get away with it, striking out on two favors I
was asked for at my bar already.

Ah well. It’s all in efforts to see the trees and take pictures anyways.

More more later. I still have to finish my little autobiography synopsis.