There’s this annoying show on tv that I need to change the channel on–some lady whose doing weird jobs to make money…tooth collecting to rock polishing.

I have two bumping zits on my cheeks. I feel like I am 14 years old with 17 years of wear and tear to age me down.

This weather is DISGUSTING. I despise the sticky-eckyness of today. It’s like stifling jungle heat with no beach to cool off to.

Things will be ok–I will make them that way.

I have to start being less available with my friends. Everyone knows what I have been going through and though some have extended their ears out to me to listen, many are just missing. It kind of sucks, but I seem to go through this shit once every other year. Then I passively aggressively talk shit and complain and hope they care. Now I am just saying it–I’m a little upset, kids.

I have sooooooooooo much I want to write. I am gonna have to start my purge affair soon. A diary to myself even. Full of all that you think but will never say, and all kinds of possible situational comedies and ends. Painted words on the wall.