I forget I work for a resort company who has hotels all over the world sometimes. One of our benefits is discounted hotel rooms which the employees can get or give to their family members for not too much money (usually 69/79/89).

So sitting here and thinking about my dirty body, and my strong desire for good sleep led me on to our website. I have never been able to take a room for myself, but have always set up other family members. So my first hot rate to myself will be to get a bath and tv and shower and sleep in the city…in Chelsea no less, so I will be close to the trains to get back to Jersey tomorrow and there after work tonight.

So yeah, your $500 hotel room just cost me $104. I have two beds, but that’s just because that’s what they had. PARTY IN MY ROOM! (hahah. no)

I feel like I am going to feel so much better already.