I wish that were true in any sense of the word. I have been busting my tail all week to be here at work for 8, leaving at 5 or 6, go home, change, and paint and do cafe work until midnight or 1am. Then I am up at 6:30 to do it all again.
G (our benefactor/investor) seems very pleased with our progress and was somehow convinced that it was all worth it last night as we were looking at our freshly painted 20 foot wall and ceiling. I dread the thought of doing another 650 square feet of tin ceiling on a rickety ladder, but sometimes you have to just work with what you have.
Fetus’ brother has been an immense help with everything so far. He even sat with me in the ER for 8 hours the other night when I clocked my head and split it open on the iron door coming from the basement. 5 staples later and I am still pretty (I got the scalp/hair head wound and not my actual face). Aside from that, we will be hiring him on and he will be taking a bunch of responsibility on in exchange for the swankest place to live in town (I am not fucking kidding you, the house Bg lives in is the nicest one I have been in here). The good thing about this is it will keep everyone honest, because literal homelessness follows any messing up.
I am constantly trying to help people out and I hope with the birth of this cafe it will come back to me a bit. We are experimenting with pay scale in the beginning giving percentages of ring totals so that people are not only honest (I know all the tricks of how to catch the thieves anyhow), but are rewarded for being so nice that people will come in just to see them.
We have discussed some cross promoting ideas as well.
Things are starting to come together, but the tin ceiling..the tin ceiling my friends is something else entirely. It’s an evil animal I don’t want to deal with.
I have a painting party this weekend I invited randomites to. Sorry if you didn’t know why…I am kind of desperate since I know you can feel my strong desire to stand on that ladder and paint 3 square feet at a time. Last night I was like swipe swipe swipe swiiipe swiiipe swipe, brush brush brush. Move ladder, repeat. But G did like it and is sometimes more on my design page than Bg is anyways so we are ok. Sometimes Bg gets tantrumy when he thinks I have questioned his design-authority and gets pissy about it saying, “I know I know DE-Ahhnaa. Just let it beeee. I am not going to do thadt.” I realized how impressionable he was last night however, when I asked him what fizzy lizzy soda to take and he told me to take the grape because it was like “Welches but not sticky sweet”. This of course was the exact same statement I made to him the previous day about the exact same soda flavor he told me he hated for the same reason he then recommended it for. Weird but true, and a very fuzzy-like memory he has.
So, the next ten days of hell, I mean heaven, are going to be interesting. Work work work. Some sleep. Work work work.
I just can’t wait to work and run it. That is one thing I know I have going for me–a very astute business sense and marketing sensibilities that work. I have to hire a bunch more people and discuss payscale with G. Bg doesn’t realize the three of us working for free is what happens with management/owners to start, but we have to actually pay everyone else, even if they are getting tips. I did win the long term argument about hiring boyfriends and girlfriends since I am the only one of us who hires and fires people with some regularity.
In any case. Happy Friday and Happy WEekend to all.
July 12, 2008 at 1:57 am
Congrats on the progress. Would love to see some pics of the café when/if you get a chance.
July 12, 2008 at 12:54 pm
Congrats and good luck, sounds like it’s going to be awesome.