it’s called I don’t want to take any crap from anybody. it’s not like i usually do or would advertise this, but i am over everyone. so if you have annoyed me lately and i have started to (or continued to) ignore you, it’s not because you are a dick. but it is because i am. and i don’t care really either way. i mean, i do. but i also don’t.

it seems that a lot of people i know might be suffering from this same condition. right now it is a tightening around my head and through my ears.

then again after yesterday, I am now typhoid free for 2 years. i also got my tetanus booster. and hep A first shot. i need to get the hep b stuff eventually but not for this trip. i dropped off my malaria and antibiotics prescriptions to pick up monday morning. now all i have to do is pick up the deet and stuff to wash my clothes in before i go. who knew being there could be so dangerous for you just based on little skeeters. yuck. no cold food only hot he said. so that’s cool.

the tattoo convention is today. i am so overdue for some serious work. i need my flowers re-shaded in, the last time they got worked on the color got a little fucked up so that needs to be corrected and they need to be re-vibranced. but my seahorse is my number one goal. and working on some kind of neckline tattoo. not chest just just yet. but something that ties in the back and shoulders and arms and frames it deco-style really nice. i got a guy on flame-space who said he would do it in pennsylvania who has talent. he’s not one of the super stars but maybe this time i will draw more of it. there was this one guy that had the sickest shit i wanted to get work from years ago. i think his name was winston something, i just googled it and came across this lame place called ratemytattoo which reminded me of two weeks ago when ellen (my roommate) and  i were at a party and this dude pulls down his shirt to show me his tattoo and says “look, look, you tell me who eet look like.” I, being the perpetual funny girl when drunk said, “michael jackson!”, and spun around, thinking i was hillarious to tell this hispanic dude that he had a tattoo of the gloved one on his arm. people like to strip down and show you bad tattoos when you are heavily worked. i have no idea why, because, for me it would make me hide them more. but this guy was getting more and more aggravated and i was laughing my ass off and ellen says “christopher columbus!” We were all cracking up then and then “george washington!” comes out as a choice from one of the other girls.  I asked his girlfriend, who definitely looked like her name should be carmen with her bouffant of red hair and long nails and low cut blouse and heels. she had no idea either. “eet’s freddy krueger man!” he finally admits and we are all like, oh wow…that’s awesome! that resulted in a good five minutes of laughing after he and his girlfriend left the garage area of the party we were at. anyhow. this rate my tattoo site has tattoos from people who have the same caliber work that he did. bad work, in other words. why? I have no idea. But i need to find that dude who had that strange name and works down south. his work was so delicious i would save my pennies to go see him for real.

i am at work now clocking in the hours but will be leaving soon for le barbecue at my boss’ house with Ellen. that will be awesome. food drinks and fun in Greenpoint.