So tomorrow I have my princess surgery. Princess because I once had a nice voice, turned into a frog, and now I hopefully will re-princessify.

Obviously frog is a bit of a stretch…more like whispery fish. Fish don’t talk, but there are a definite shortage of metaphors that relate to this situation.

It’s an interesting procedure, and yes I am under anesthesia (though not of the intubated variety)…and I will be once again unconscious. If anything whacko happens…well..that’s kind of gay (and not the good kind), but whatever can you do? You laugh and think…after 6, what could another be…and actually this would be 8 if you count the kidney dialysis shunt I had disconnected. But that is precisely why you just do not underestimate the paths we go on sometimes.

But in my efforts at not being morbid…it should be fairly routine, as these things go. I am more aggravated that I have to be up at the crack of dawn. Go me and my never-ending sleepy time.

Ahhh! I am watching Lost and then going off to sleep. Think of good things for me, my friends. I need it!
