What do you think of this?

I support both parties rights to free speech. I do think it’s important to recognize both sides of the story.

And depending on where the money is coming from…well, I guess I can see where the vindictiveness would bubble up from. But I am also thinking that pulling all funding assigns every student and member of that town with feeling the exact same way about the issue, something we all know cannot possibly be true.

If they had exercised physical restraint or burned down the building and made it impossible for them to recruit by physically preventing them, yeah, maybe you would want to pull funding. But just because someone says something you don’t like? That’s Busholitics if you ask me.

And what’s with all these people shooting each other, young and old? Sounds like a true call to arms. Yeah, NRA, let’s make guns that much easier to get to…legally. Because we really just need more. And all of the guns that kill people are usually not obtained legally at some point in their existence, right? College campuses are the new war zones. Hell, you can’t even go to Lane Bryant without fear some psycho might fondle you and shoot you in the head.

It’s enough to make a person sick…or a country, you would think.