hahaha. Okay, so you will never get me to take part in the big
conspiracy that some dude is floating around on AngelSoft, picking and
choosing his victims at random. The universe is too neat a place to
have such chaos ensue.

But–can I just say? How life has the ability to turn on a dime and
just stop sucking? I mean, shit, my pains are now just softly echoing
in my rib cage. Somehow, somehow I have had these two little angels
come into my life and fucking save it, too. I swear. To J: J, why
is it that the people I have asked for help from straight out have
refused me, and these people who I have done nothing
for are willing to take a chance on me, help me? He said it was so that
I could help someone else in a similar predicament. See, J has a bar
a little ways away from me. He has offered me work in the past, but due
to illness or whatever haphazard event had transpired, I never went. I
was talking to him today, letting him in a bit, and yes, he offered me
a job. Now this leaves transcripting work room as well, given to me by
angel number one, Paul, who is jusy oozing with completely random
goodness. But, I won’t starve (you have to cook, too I think), and
although I won’t be making 1600 a week, I will at the very LEAST have
some money to pay rent, something I cannot do at this time.

I am a little hyper aware of my heart thuds today, but that’s all good.

‘Cuz my little heyday is coming.

Oh yes it is. I’m a little thuperthtar. That’s what I are. HA!