Spring 2008 Schedule by Day
Day Time Location Class Begin-End
Mon 10:00am-1:45pm 511 OOOO INTRO-STUDY AND THEORY OF 01/22/08-05/05/08
2:10pm-4:00pm RTBA IMAGERY AND FORM IN THE A 01/22/08-05/05/08
5:00pm-6:00pm RTBA IMAGERY AND FORM IN THE A 01/22/08-05/05/08
6:10pm-7:25pm 622 ZZZZ MUSIC-EAST ASIA-SOUTHEAST 01/22/08-05/05/08
Wed 6:10pm-7:25pm 622 ZZZZ MUSIC-EAST ASIA-SOUTHEAST 01/22/08-05/05/08
Thr 7:00pm-10:00pm 614 XXXX CULTURE THROUGH FILM & 01/22/08-05/05/08

Yay! This is my schedule. The blankity blank at the very top is the Intro to the Study and Theory of Film. Two other classes fulfill my anthropological and humanities prerequisites, and one, well one I want to take but might have to drop it if I can’t…as Francine’s word of the week exemplifies….PONY UP the funds to get my tuition paid. Why Houdini won’t grant me the funds to go to school and not work full time is beyond me, but apparently there are a ton of old people who need 20 million to retire on comfortably. In the meantime, I have to comfortably contrive my schedule so that I am not overwhelmed with classes and full time scheduling. Thankfully my boss is a peach who lets me manage my own schedule and days so that I won’t have to bankrupt my ass doing this.  Because E and I are probably moving to a bigger and more beautiful apartment with more windows in February. So I need to take that income and make it work. As it is, I am not even kidding, I bring home less than $300 a week because of my benefits and healthcare FSA account. I have to work more this coming semester, and take double the classes. It will be a big thing to accomplish, and maybe I can do something amazing to celebrate once I’m done. Then again, there are several more after this, and my intention is to do 12 credits in the summer, 12 in the Fall, etc. Better to enjoy a few years of happiness before the Mayan calendar ends after all.

(wink wink)