I was going to re-post my 9/11 thing, as I have done every year for the past 6…but I decided not to this time. I have to tag it into my memories, but my predictability is annoying, even to me.

School is fun! I would love to be in school for life, learning everything I am even remotely interested in, but I am pretty sure they don’t dole out 40 year loans without any expectation of payback. I was late to class today since the train took literally 40 minutes to arrive on my platform. The horror washed across my face when realizing the dollar value and educational loss was probably something to behold at 8 am. But luckily it did come, eventually, and I ran my ass down the hall of the 6th avenue tunnel to a mere two minute wait to my lovely train.

I don’t live far into Brooklyn, but I do wish I lived closer to school. I think it would only add to my experience, but the dogs have kind of lassoed my ass to places where pups are loved.

Either way, there are things I need to read all of the time and should not be spending any moments doing anything which is not school-related.

So for now, my update: School is fun, work is necessary, and vacation should be coming soon!