hahaha. The things that could mean are endless.

But it seems to be getting truer by the day, as my days activities become less and less. And certainly nothing seems to happen in my life unless I instigate it. Nobody calls me to come over or go to the park, or whatever any more. I used to be the organizer of everyone, nothing would happen acitivity-wise with my better friends unless I planned for it. I would try everything to get people together, and it seemed to happen, but it didn’t seem to happen unless I thought of it.

I  have started realizing that this was becoming less and less true. It isn’t so much that people aren’t doing things unless I organize them, but that people were doing things on their own, and didn’t even think of me at all.

It was kind of a test, the past month and some, to check and see if the glue was made of something aside from my own energy, and it has become fairly clear that it was made of nothing else.

And that actually really sucks.