So my Kissmas was not without reward…on top of all of the fun and amazing friendly family time I had this year with my buddies and such, I also managed to get a freaking video ipod from franCine and a vacation from E. Usually these are not things I like to gloat about, but the two of them are the most ridiculous amazing, lovely and awesome gifts a girl could ask for. Now I will be a little technology maven (keep in mind I haven’t had my cell phone in two weeks) with my entertainment and soundtrack to course through my aural cavity at all times.

oooooooo sexxxxxyyyyy.

There are only a few days left of what has been a terrible and beautiful year all wrapped up into one. It was completely painful and horrendous which is what made the beauty so very stellar. Without the explosion of my insides all over my future and ideals, I would never appreciate what I now can experience (new life and love and sleek happenings) all while having literal portions of my brain actually black and dead on the MRI.

It’s a freaking Christmas miracle, I swear.