I woke up to use the bathroom and haven’t been able to soothe my mind back to sleep. All of this Apocalyptic talk sometimes gets my mind running to days when the sun might not come up.

but a frisky piece of news worth checking out:


James Hansen I have known about for years. Someone I knew very well worked with him directly in the planetary sciences division of Nasa. He is on the forefront of global warming research, and was also the one who was threatened directly by Bush’s cabinet to keep mum about what was going on in our climate, most likely for fear of trying to incite change which could adversely affect our economy. He flew to PA before Bush was re-elected to speak out about it. One thing most people don’t know about is the administration’s cataclysmic denial of science in favor for wishful thinking. The supposed scientists who reviewed the global warming papers in the whitehouse were actually lawyers who modified and edited the concrete information to make it less concrete and more about vague possibilities, substituting “is” for “might be”, and changing the conclusion that we ARE headed for disaster to, there is no scientific undeniable truth that there is such a thing as global warming.


The MOST awesome part about that article is that Bush apparently met with fucking Michael Crichton, who claims he wrote a non-fiction book saying Hansen’s estimates are 300% wrong, even though his ideas have been confirmed by much of the scientific community. Keep in mind Michael Crichton is responsible for such thrillers as Jurassic Park, and the Andromeda Strain. Michael Crichton has a medical degree from Harvard. He is not a climatologist. Bush met with Michael Crichton to validate his global warming coverup…it is the most hysterical thing. What’s next, you gonna meet with Captain Crunch about your war methodology?

Oh but apparently Crichton’s point of reference in the book that he wrote denying Hansen’s claims were a lawyer. And an actor. The president of your country is basically consulting Hollywood and a lawyer for information on global warming guys.

hahaha. We are soo asking for it. Actually, no. I am not asking for it.

NASA’s funding has not been increased, rather quite the opposite. In fact, if you go through big “double ya’s” history with people of science, both in the medical community and regarding actual science, you will see he has eliminated many positions held previously by scientists, and replaced them with lawyers. Because lawyers will save the world, right?

And as for the threats about keeping quiet? Yeah, you have to go through all sorts of rigamorole to be able to even talk to anyone in NASA (officially anyways) because it is government funded, and if they don’t want you to say anything, well, you just can’t I guess. The bible will save you all, guys. That’s the ticket.

Here’s the article about Crichton’s book.



This world is going to open up and swallow us all we are such a pack of morons.