Wow. My fancy #30 celebration of yearly life is coming shortly.  Very shortly even. I wonder sometimes, with the actual delicacy, some people call it preciousness, of life how it is I have skated past all of this insane drama and come out better for it.

Sometimes my editing is flawed in the eyes of collegiate graduates. but I don’t really care. I write to my own rhythm, to my own beat, and that’s just fine by me.

But yeah, back to that delicacy thing. Isn’t it strange that we walk around, basically bugs inside out, impervious that being in the wrong place at the wrong time can, in effect, leave us dead. We exhibit an amazing amount of trust. of faith even, that we will not be speared in the back, lit on fire, or shot dead by any person walking by who might just feel the urge. Yeah, I know that’s why people have things like law, and religion. Things that force them into tight columns, unaware of the power they have to just end it all for any unsuspecting person they might encounter. It scares the shit out of me actually. Knowing I could be victim to some psycho’s rage or ill will. If not simply for the fact that they might be having a bad day. I cry often reading the newspaper, appalled at the lack of regard some seem to have for the sanctity of human life. It takes an instant to end a life. But it takes 9 months to bloom, and an entire lifetime (which is all relative of course) to foster and unite. Three seconds to untie, years upon years to wind up.

I have been contemplating writing a particularly scathing editorial about all of this faux-horror at what Chavez said about Mr. Bush. I would think that people would actually step up and say, yeah, he is the devil, but nobody has enough balls to do so. Granted his methods were a bit dramatic, shall we say. But they were effective. My very wealthy otolaryngologist agreed with me, actually. She being a prime winner of a republican administration. She said he was a slimy snake. And I know other people believe it. There were a few points I did want to bring up about that.  I really do not care about what political leverage he was trying to accomplish by giving poor people the rights to cheap and affordable oil. Do you see our lovely president doing the same? If he was Mr. Chavez would be wasting his time. But looking at Katrina and the structure of our economy and how it is set up for poor people to fail, I would say that  we should welcome his help with open arms. And honestly? I don’t want to fake some  patriotism towards an administration which is perpetuating more drama for the people of this country. In Europe and everywhere else in the world, people rejoice (and should for that matter) that Americans do not necessarily represent the wills and aggressiveness of the administration which supposedly represents them.  In fact, they ask about it like it’s a weird disease. I don’t take personal offense to criticism, because I wasn’t the one making the mistakes. And I love this country. And I support freedom. I am just not sure that what is being touted as freedom is anything more than some political jargon to distract us from what we should really be concerned about. And that is us. This is not enforcing freedom. It’s called scaring the shit out of everyone to support you because they wouldn’t go along with it normally. If this did happen I would seriously have to point some fingers towards DC for perpetuating so much hatred for what I consider a very decent place to be, and be from..