ah too bad there have been these wretched dates every hundred years…too bad our current administration is so hell bent on screwing the world up that they probably find some peace in the fact that the world could end at any point in the near future and blame it on the “impending apocalypse”, thus removing responsibility and guilt for having helped the chaos, the bloodshed and the destruction along as they have…

my world is still held together by worn pieces of scotch tape…I read somewhere in some preposterous magazine that a normal average period was like 3 or 4 tablespoons. How about 3 or 4 cups kids. I know none of you care to read about some chick rambling on about her menstrual mess, but am I the only one who has more than 3 or 4 tablespoons coming out?

that is sadly my triple 6 tale. when things get more exciting, so will I.