My parents made us move I believe 17 times when we were younger. I remember actually packing my own things in 2nd grade even. They owned 24 houses and I was there for 17 of those moves. I probably packed my own things about 12 times. Plus my 3 moves in Worcester. 11 moves here. 26 times. I despise moving, not because of what it represents but because I hate unpacking. I hate packing more, but Francine did it all. I hate having to decide what to throw away. I hate having everything that means anything to me not spread out over any other location but my own hallway at this time. Some people have their stuff in their parents house. Some people don’t have as much stuff. I probably have too much but have worked too hard to have my stuff its hard to just chuck it out. Most of it right now is dishes and such. 4 or 5 boxes of clothing. I’ve moved more massive amounts in the past. But, I truly hate it.

Lately I’ve been spinning stories in my own head, figuring things and people out. My own psychology escapes me so I focus on others. Motive and response. Some conclusions are frightening, some I’m proud of, and others are about people that just exist to suckle off the good intentions of others.

I spend a lot of time in my own body, exploring the pains that linger. I’m not taking very much in terms of painkillers. a few tylenol a day even. I’ve been out of the hospital not even three weeks I guess, so I should be proud. My recovery is swifter than with the first open heart. I have a hard time sleeping, relaxing. There are things to be worried about concerned with. I wish I had more to do, had more people to see. Annie is my only regular visitor and that’s been three times since I got out. I sat in the coffee shop for an hour yesterday and the day before with Francine. I sat outside a cafe for 40 minutes on my own today.

It’s really lonely being in a body like this. Nobody knows what to say. I can’t talk to anyone about how I feel. I’m not talking about my body and its pains which are evident. But I truly don’t even know how I feel because I haven’t talked to anyone about any of it. I joke. I jostle, I make fun of myself. But I don’t know what any of this means. I guess the only obvious pain I get is realizing I will never bear my own children. I guess nobody knows that. But I know I cannot and I know it hurts me.

I also know that having all of this time to think really does nothing for my esteem or my happiness. I feel like I am stuck between two pieces of wax paper, able to breathe, but unable to move or see anything too clearly. I guess it must be normal, feeling like that. I day dream about vacation because I know I won’t have to think about my own reality. I’ve been giving myself headaches thinking like this but I don’t know how to escape it.

Get a hobby already, I’m sure you think.

I think throwing things and breaking stuff could be mildly satisfying. Then again I have two gallons of ice cream to eat before we go.

Bleh. Give me a reason already.