My healing is coming along.

And I’m moving.

2 bedroom with 2 big windows in each. One will be for E and I, the other for an office/painting/sewing studio.

I haven’t had a window in a place that I have lived since September of 2000. Sad, but true.

It has a back patio and is pretty big for the Burg. My rent will be the same. His won’t, but we’re trying to figure stuff out.

I obviously can’t move myself, let alone pack myself.

If any of you can help me out at all, I would love you forever. It’s just boxing up dishes and plates and my clothing and nothing really complicated. We are having movers since I’m down and out right now.

On a totally unrelated note, why do we need to hear about another Republican/Bush appointment who has taken bribes to hand out contracts. You could pretty much assume every single one of them is doing it. They should start doing news stories on the ones who aren’t…that would be remarkable.

My home health aid is a complete idiot. I asked her to dust my living room and she’s decided to re-clean an already clean bathroom.

I am in complete hell, obviously.