I’m so glad my nursing service is all about milking the insurance company for all possible services. My physical therapist came over for an evaluation today, and I didn’t even have to set it up. Keep in mind this is literally not even a week after getting out. I have been having a less than easy time actually sleeping. And I cannot lift my arms up above my head really at all. My ribs feel bruised and messed up. My sternum bone actually physically hurts, and feels like it has been pried open and glued back together. My memories of the last open open heart are pretty distant, and I don’t remember if I was actually in this much pain last time.

As it is, I sleep not even four hours a night. I even got a frisky prescription for tylenol with codeine to combat this cough that came from my paralyzed left vocal chord. But the pain is actually beyond what that pill does. It makes me feel loopy and in pain, instead of just in pain.

There’s a swimming pool around here you can get a membership for for like $75 a year. I am so excited to be able to do that in a few months.

I’ve decided to go back to my sleek blah brown hair. I haven’t had it for years, but my bald spot isn’t getting any smaller and it’s probably better to stop exposing myself to more chemicals given I have been radiated enough to glow in the dark over the past 11 years.

Eddie is having a hard time in the role of nurse. I do have some home health aid sessions (8) I need to use, but once they’re used, I need to have some help here. As he said, he cannot do all of this on his own, though he’s been doing a good job so far. He’s been getting pretty angry with my parents for not asking what HE might need, or offering their help.

Oh well. Any takers on wanting to help me out a little bit? We have an extra bed and a 42 flat screen tv. I’m usually funny to hang around except when I’m writhing.

Bleh. This will never work.