I dig the sunshine. Everyone knows this. But when I turned on NY 1 and realized it was nearing 80 today, I got especially giddy and frisky. Grabbed the dog, met E at the corner. We meant to go to Joe’s but it was closed. Then to the pharmacy, the dog trotting happily along. Then we ended up at Teddy’s. It used to be called Teddy’s anyways. The place has the best food, totally filling and not too expensive. I remember watching baseball there in the midst of the Red Sox Yankees wars in years past. The dog was tied 5 feet from our table, a little whiny, but hamming it up for her audience of a few dozen people, the hostess and the waitresses that walked by.

I really enjoy these small bites of normalcy–my love taking me out for brunch. Watching everyone slide by on the sidewalks, all of us smiling, happy that Spring has sprung and reminded that Summer is not far behind. I see all of these lovely apartment buildings going up. Not lovely architecture wise. But for the large panels of windows, and the light you can imagine streaming in and hitting your face in the morning. I really do wish they didn’t look so flimsy and boxlike. I myself prefer pre-war buildings for their character and because I am obsessed with the twenties. Eddie strays away from pre-war listings because he thinks it is a code word for “dump”. I tried to point out to him that the fact the building has been around almost a hundred years is a testament to its quality and character. The newer buildings look remarkably like the projects, all boxed up and flat looking. But with a heftier price tag. What happened to moldings and the unique twists in architecture that made a building different than its neighbor? These buildings these days look like they came out of an Ikea box…all flat and “contemporary”. For me contemporary is code word for cold. For modern, with no character. For plastic and rubbermade with no interesting details or anything to make a place cuddly and welcoming.

I called Martin who got government approval to work for Fema. We laughed about that, me saying it’s too bad they didn’t do such a thorough check of Mr. Brown, huh? He is definitely going to New Orleans to work through July. I reminded him to keep tabs on his car as he might need to bust out of there quickly within the next few months. The next big one will wipe the whole city off the map into the ocean. And it will come soon. He laughed and told me he didn’t plan on being a hero. He also told me there were cars still abandoned on the highways down there, on both sides. The people who ran out of gas and just headed off on foot. I made a remark that that seemed strange since those people were obviously alive, right? Who knows, though. Like dozens of cars, though, which is creepy.

T balls is on the roof playing guitar. Which is actually nice. I would trade the roof in for a garden and a porch swing with some lemonade, apple pie cooling on the window ledge and Billie Holiday, though. Maybe someday I will have my own little garden and big lawn.

This weekend is my last normal one for a while. It’s odd to realize this. But at least it’s not December.

Things will be getting along just fabulously. Real soon.