to a bunch of people in my email list. Who knew gmail was so frisky and fancy.

Creepy only because it comes out of left field for 80% of the people on it.

and because I felt creepy sending it—asking for prayers and good thoughts, you know?

Today I went to my old job and got hugged by everyone I didn’t know, and did. Fun fun fun in the sun. I also happened to lose a frisky $17 somewhere in the office…then again I am a compulsive pocket checker so I probably chucked it out at some point.

Stupid, but true.

My boss gave me $20 and was like, go buy yourself some dinner and looked defeated to realize it was $20. I was like, are you kidding–this is 4 meals! So I bought some asiago bagels from Au Be Pan. They somehow and for some reason discontinued sun-dried tomato cream cheese. And when I went to pay I realized I idiotically lost my cash.

The spankees, I mean Yankees won today. And today was the loveliest Spring day. I heart Spring. I molest Summer.

I can’t wait to go swimming. For reals.