except myself, of course. I tried to finagle the chinatown bus (the ten dollar express ride to nyc) but it seems as if the insane and crazy have decided to go risk life and limb to go protest the crazy republicans. It’s interesting to me that they picked such a venue to try and pimp their ideas out so publicly. In a city like that it’s akin to rounding up a bunch of child molesters to parade them around like heroes.

Egh, republicans, don’t get me started on that.

The point is that I am stuck in the area, and I cannot return until after the ruckus clears up. I think it’s almost strange and disturbing that I have had such bad luck with the boys-the unemotional, mean, manipulative, and have watched my friends flap like frantic fish over their bad relationships, and I have to figure out what kind of definition we will exist under because I am moving not around the block or across the river, but a smashing 4 hour ride away.

I have decided to let him take over my lease, per say, because it will allow me the safety of thinking that I always have a place to go back to if things explode and the yolks run down in messy rivers. My name is still on the lease and most of my furniture will probably stay there-sans kitchen table and the bureaus my mom made me as well as a couple frisky mirrors. Then when I do return I can pretend it is still mine (ha, not really). But it is a gift to give to him for being so good to me in the short time we have known each other—rent like that is unusual for the area, and certainly a blessing by default. **Please note, sweet F, that I do have people I have to see and visit and will be back for some regularity at least in the beginning.

I think V’s roommate found me a job already at a fancy pants restaurant downtown-which is appropriate because I want to take a creative writing class at Harvard extension school and need some money to do that.

And-thanks to the info provided to me by J, I think I am still considered a state resident with my parents here so long as well as my education (both high school and college) having been fornicated in this state.

Yay for me. Possibility seems real, and the money I have spent being here is of my own frivolous interest-shoes, books, one lunch, some coffee at Starfuckers, a tshirt-all amounting to a mere $200. This may seem obscene because so many arguments have been about money but if I had not been a shopping nerd, it would have been closer to 70 or so….and I have not done without in the slightest.

woot woot.