I have so much to do to fix this place, excuse its appearance -it resided at heartsandscars for so long, but I had to make some changes. There are so many people with heart problems I plan to use it for other things eventually. For the scars are what we write about over the hearts that have screwed us.

This blog goes back to me at 23 I think is my first post–I have had heartsand and scarsand since 2005 I believe though I have blogged since I was 23–I have had livejournals and other sites and blogs. A friend helps manage it here–I just turned 48, this is me. You may find it shocking having known me to see me. Don’t be.

Of course I did not age. I did the things I did when you knew me and never stopped. But never botox. No fillers. Someone pay me to sell their skincare dammit.me 2023