Fuck if I know. Honestly I have lived through some shit. Clearly my medical issues are not the norm, even for people with my gene defect they are a little outside the norm. But I haven’t lived the normal life. My life has been punctuated at times by disappointment, worry, fun, laughing times but right now all the laughing I spend my time doing is still alone, and at the absurdity of modern life.

See-in order to survive in this shithole, I have done it it all. I have followed the jobs, and held sometimes a few. I have had the health insurance, I have found the good doctors. I have not relied on the public for ANYTHING as you can see my site is seriously devoid of ads, but I am not sure that brings more people here. Anyhow–yes. On the adaptation. I have had to adjust my expectations of everyone around me, and myself given the circumstances. To me, adapting to survive modern life is what we fucking do. I had no idea I could just pretty princess and say no. I refuse and that would have been an acceptable angle in the name of personal freedom and don’t tell me what the fuck to do.

People are going to be so disappointed in themselves that they neglected better safe than sorry to go along with the crowd, dudes legit breaking dicks to feel normal which is just fucking outrageous. And I say this as a fan of dicks. If you don’t have one, a talented tongue is not going to be enough for me. It’s just the deal. Anyhow…yes. The lack of ability for people to truly acknowledge what is going on. The kids of this generation are going to say how did you not know to whomever is left? And we can say. Oh, we knew. We just didn’t CARE. And by the time we realized we needed to care, it was too late. We just accepted that we were all going to die in slow motion in front of our families because we just got too spoiled, probably.

And I think that is it. We are so spoiled. We have grown accustomed to this instant gratification society so hell bent on getting what you want when you want it that you aren’t even willing to sacrifice any time to cooperate us out of this sickness coming. It’s funny–I was telling my husband it was the toilets a while ago and then the article comes up today like some crazy boo-yah, but for me it just completes my belief that I have a working brain still, able to see the fucking trains coming to take so many of you fucking uncooperative shitty mean monkeys out.