Counting days, days counting. I have a thing for numbers so I tend to notice them a lot though clearly I am no mathematician–I have a plan to organize all my at-home notes into a book of sorts with all the finer details of things–but the one huge benefit or recommendation I think I have for everyone right now if you have an upcoming OHS or cardiac surgery of any kind is to try that yoga practice I recommended. No, really–one thing that we all do after major surgery is start hunching over to protect our chests and this kind of foundation will set you up better to resist that, not to mention the general health benefits of yoga in your life.

I haven’t had a perfect diet since I got notified of this and decided to intentionally design my time pre-surgery. Yesterday I ended up in CVS buying their 3 for $3 boxed candy deal and ate the shit out of the Hot Tamales. I just ate 7 more because I love candy. The Charleston Chew is suffering from a theft problem where people slice the box and apparently steal half the contents while they walk around the store or are stocking–all i know is I returned one box and the second one just had a better hid slit. That goes in the trash which leaves me with dark chocolate Raisinets–those are still in there because I’m just trying to be good. Yesterday I had a pork chili over baked sweet potato thing from EveryPlate for lunch and that Blue Apron peanut chicken curry for dinner. A small dark chocolate bar after a roll in the hay with my husband and some walnuts chewed besides that Ka’Chava shake.

He’s only working from home twice this week which means plenty of days to get my 2x week fatty fish intake so today I baked 1 of the 2 servings today, having it with a little spinach, avocadoes, celery, green onions and mushrooms for lunch. Usually I squeeze some lemon oil and one of the vinegars in there and throw something crunchy on top–today that was pumpkin seeds. Sorry my formatting sucks-this theme I will be correcting next week with my good friend who hosts this for me. You can see my little lunch below–I had 6 mandarins as desert.

Some know my penchant for weed relief–I have very much cut it down but it’s not out yet–that’s coming soon. I cut it out completely for a while because my husband doesn’t anymore, but my day-to-day anxiety has required certain levels of reduction so I started smoking a bit again. I was dreaming so heavily for a while, kind of a backwards-in-time to current times rehashing that really scared the shit out of me so I decided to drown it out with weed again. It probably doesn’t help that I do not talk to anyone most days besides my husband–he’s hilarious and keeps it fun, but my mind has been doing flips around itself lately from lack of socialization. The best part of this is when neighbors ask me questions about my dog and I blurt out something entirely too personal about myself to the level that I feel guilty for uttering a word and promise myself after certain interactions NEVER AGAIN. You know that embarrassment, when you know it’s better to pretend the other person doesn’t exist at all except for a mini wave if you HAVE to–I have done this to two female neighbors, clearly much younger than me, actually no, there’s 3 I would prefer I not speak to about anything ever again except Duke, if I have to. I have said too much to at least 2 of them, and the other one definitely speaks to 1 of them so no. This is how I have avoided general drama in friend circles over the years–I just cut them out as soon as people get nasty and start talking too much shit. There’s a big lack of empathy in society that would be better served to keep your better positive comments out there and your worst negative ones to yourself. But that’s dreaming, right, such a twisted society we have where people revel in other people’s misery as long as it is not their own.