Hmmm is the answer to that question. One thing I am convinced of is I don’t want to be in a country and around people who were keen to sell us off to the highest bidder. Us, I mean, the general us as Americans and yes, us, as sick people. Given the percent of the population that will have to contend with some serious medical issue in their lifetimes, well we just fucked ourselves literally letting these monsters pass this shit without a peep. I called. I call Corey Gardner all the time and nothing–nothing I have protested seems to have affected his vote, but I know I am one of maybe 30 people who ever called him, so he is doing just fine. Hell all of these guys know if they get voted out next time they have a nice insurance program on themselves in the forms of grotesque tax cuts. I read something this morning that said…never trust anyone over 40 with your future. And you know–there is something to be said for not entrusting your future to people who are more than half done with their lives. It makes no sense as the motivations and incentives are so different. Hence we have no issue using ALL of the natural resources the planet has stored up for millions of years in like what, 200? What disgusting pigs we are to just take it all with NO REGARD for anything in the future.

So, realizing the general level of interest and education in the people who do cast votes–I just want to leave. Don says it all the time but I have actually looked into it. The night after the election I was looking to flights to Belize and Costa Rica, and I have done research on living in those places and Prague, which would actually really be a dream come true. Certainly once you trade this country in for one that is more in every sense of the word–more invested in art and culture, more investing in its population since they all have healthcare, less expensive rents and the list goes on. I certainly am having a hard time seeing any real value staying in a country likely to drive its innovators over foreign borders which literally just sold its soul out to the rich. In those cute European countries they still give a shit about life and progress and not just handing it all over to the people buying legislation. And when your life has already been about working your face off to just survive, well–something reasonable certainly could drive me across these borders.

Yeah yeah yeah…I remember the post I just made about buying here…but I don’t exactly know what I would be invested in here exactly.

God if only a beach house or house-sitting gig landed on my lap for like a year or two…that would be a way to make it happen without totally walking away. I have no issue with walking away from this country at all. The things I love about it are in the cities I don’t live in and would be just as likely to visit as a foreigner–well, one day.

But….the mission is not being poor now. So I am still working on that while we figure out what the hell to do. All I know is–after discovering the tip about asbestos in the basement here and the meso issues–forget it. Staying here will kill us anyways so it’s time to run.

Yeah–a bit of a boomarang, I know. I just know I don’t like it HERE. I just don’t know WHERE we will end up…but I hope not to be writing from this same desk next year. Kansas as a country is no home for me.