Ugh, I didn’t do those photos because yeah, we were kinda drunk by like 5. And I was on a bus to my waxer at 3–promises promises. Don picked me up, hell I wanted to take a photo of Gaylord street, the sign, but I am still one of those people who is adverse to idiots who take photos of themselves everywhere all the time. I dunno, maybe the Go Pro would be a better idea as I could hide it…hmmm. Vlogging with my gopro…there ya go.

It was beer drunk which seems more manageable than wine drunk–but that’s not a lesson I need anyways. I don’t want to do this anymore, dammit.

Well. I can say this…fuck it. I would have planted too close to my computer all day which I have been really trying to avoid. I can do two. One by like this time, one later, provided I am not drinking. Well, a photo update, jfc I think hmmm…I’ll try to do 2 and see how that goes.

But no. I like my website actually. I mean, I like having it. The format. Eh. No good, this shit is old anymore…but I will keep my little thing for now…

Anyways, my absence today will be punctuated by a promise I made to Don to clean the shit out of our place because it is terribly unorganized. We have a half built music studio and my desk overloaded with craft supplies and the normal shit. I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself with a before photo unless I decide to become a personal organizer, which let’s admit, is the worst idea for me anyone has ever had…and I would want to kill people too much so no dice there.

But yes…later might be the AFTER photo(s), let’s hope. I am going to listen to music and clean the shit out of here. There’s a lot that has to happen right now. I need some space in my mind to fully unwind and figure all this out, which means I have to get a cleaner palette to look at.

As it is my brain is full of ALL of this information from all of these different endeavors I have undertaken and I really need a better way to manage all of it–which I think will be dependent on getting everything here done right.