You can look up there to see what happened yesterday. I realized I could have been funny and poignant about it but it kind of bugged me for most of the night. Don worked super late and I was invested in cleaning, making dinner, doing classes yesterday. I went to the geneticist who told me basically nothing I did not know already, which is always endearing.

He did advise me to avoid meth and heroin so there is that. I would have assumed that would have been an unspoken thing but I am realizing everything is crazy right now in the world and after watching that documentary it made a lot more sense.

Soooo–checkmarks off the list–um, well I have to figure out how to get one of my deco sites up, hey, my friend with my birthday where are you can you set up my thing so I can manage it purty please?

So…I have painted the birdcage lamp I am working on. See below for a photo of step one. Probably should have taken a photo of its dirty bamboo incarnation previous to this. I painted this the day before yesterday. There is a LOT that I need to get on there but here it is.

Today is passport day. Today is clean the attic of my studio day. Today is also day 4 BECAUSE last night was the third night we have not had a drink and tonight we won’t because he is making up for the snow at work. The puff under your eyes, ladies? That is WINE. Or really any other alcohol you had last night.

So I cleaned out the outside for the guys coming to power wash today. I have done manual labor every day, no joke! haah. Anyways…

I think I am going to try a little thing…until my birthday…a photo three times a day. Some accompanying post, sure, since I have a lot to say lately..but a promise of that.

How about a snap or two or whatever amount, but the frequency. Maybe a 9 am 3 9 pm rotation. Today’s would have been of me picking up dog shit, but instead I will share this, step 1 of the birdcage lamp. Maybe I will start right now. Hell. I have to take the dog on a walk. I will take him and share some snaps of my world at 3. Maybe a photo montage of my adventure to the post office. That is why we read into people’s thoughts, to get an image of their days, so why not ACTUAL images. Yeah, let’s try that. Let’s see what I see today.

step 1 Birdcage Lamp