I wanted to share some excepts of some recent drafts I never published right below–pretty interesting that all of this evolution hasn’t fully come to fruition, but this time I am not fucking around anymore. I am figuring this out, and I am getting us out of here making money anywhere we want to be. 1 year would be ideal, 3-6 months would be magical. If it’s possible I will find a way.

The Probability of ChangeSeptember 26, 2017
Lately I have been in a bit of a fight…

Wishing for a More elusive Sort of Stress September 15, 2017
I’ve been consciously trying to right some of my practices–change…

Sometimes Misery Needs No More Co-Misery to Thrive September 2, 2017
I am trying something new in things…I have a few…

Look at all that begging for change without knowing how the fuck to go about it. I know you’ve seen I’ve been reading–into Amazon and Oberlo and some other affiliate programs but I gotta say…there seem to be some services that truly have their shit together–coaches, follow-up, direction. I will let you know, but I am hopeful one of my ten billion websites or business ideas (I only have like 5 or 6 sites, btw, now). I have given up some 12 over the past few years.

Oh those big ass photo files. Clearly I am terrible with an iphone right now. I do not take photos of me…so I figured my big fat face for a few days wouldn’t be too offensive, and if it is, you’re just boring.
