I know you know what that is–but I don’t think the full commitment of the month can really be met. I mean, I have become somewhat of an election alcoholic–it’s one of the only things that tempers a lot of the sadness and anger at the state of things today. Politics, shit…none of us can claim immunity to that anymore with any real ground to stand on–you have to pick a side these days, because passivity is what led us here.

So…wine. Wine is what we seem to imbibe in daily–and usually NOT just a bottle, but say a big and cheap that we milk usually over a course of two hours, the end of which usually leaves me passed out in bed by 8, 8:30. Don usually has a ridiculous drive to contend with, navigating around a texting, it’s-all-about-me existence that is well promoted and seemingly shared in the spirit of the population around. Everyone does it, hell the cops even said they would find issue enforcing the one law they break, so it’s not going to get better until all cars are autonomous things. So it’s usually something Don can look forward to after a long day driving all over creation, and for me, it makes it seem less terrible we are living somewhere I find such little joy and value in. I know, I could be doing better things which is why we are even trying the experiment to start…but think about it–how many of your friends and family members have become alcoholics since the election??

So the wine issue or possible conflict is that I am on a bunch of medications including a blood thinner that probably isn’t well received by copious amounts of wine, but, oh well. I also smoke weed–which ultimately has a better after effect than wine or alcohol…and yeah, I get the negative connotations of smoking with a heart problem. But guess what? I have already had to “make do” with the shit I cannot have so let a girl have her vice already. Fuck, I had two which is why this whole thing came about. So wine we have given up the habit of for at least the first 8 days of October. I think there should be a significant enough affect on my face that it might be a worth endeavor to extend beyond 8 days…in fact I might end up being too damn vain not to be into maintaining a pretty visage.

So I know I promised the video this month and it WILL happen. Just that the freakin go pro we got has an issue with the app and my iphone (meaning I do not possess the patience or technical know how to make that happen.) Yeah I have the video capabilities but I don’t know that I have a place to host it to post aside from hooking up one of my many gmails youtubes…BUT. I will post a photo of my face, 2 days sober here as soon as we get enough light in order to see it. Not wearing makeup–not yet…but maybe another one later. Don will fix the camera issue later as he possesses the mind I do not. Have to post in my neglected party about that anyways.

Oh…the neglected party. Did I tell you what that was about? My horrid voice, that is what. I have an awful voice now whereas before it used to be low and smoky, what it is now is not the same. I have heard it on camera for days and I am so not happy that I want to freakin vocode it into something better or figure out a way to do videos and caption them maybe, you know, not talk.

Ludicrous, I know.

K. So. I DID NOT MEAN TO MAKE MY FACE SO UGE. But this is the tortured face of an almost 41 year old woman after 3 hours of work today–I was being facetious btw–I am far from tortured as a general statement of being. Little line in between the eyes and some alcohol eye bags I hope to erase. Next time I will make it smaller…

my face 10/3/2017