I wrote the ad I wanted to, but Don is a slight concerned as he told me he wants to cook Turkey naked.

So I figured I would immortalize it here, instead.

The Ad that wasn’t:


Thanksgiving is here and some of you guys might be sitting in the same boat with me and my guy, who really have been drunk since election night, drinking ourselves into a stupor, and yes, stupified, as many of you might be, that this really happened. It really fucking happened though.

Be that as it may, we’ve decided to do our own thing and I thought it would be a fun shot in the dark to see if there are any misplaced east or west coasters who might want to hang and eat with us Thanskgiving or anyone else who doesn’t want to spend their time with Trumpcentric family members and friends. I’m a New Yorker at heart and miss the city for its community and the ease with which people network. Not sure about you, but it’s pretty easy to notice people don’t really work that way here, so involved in themselves and the only thing people seem to get behind is the Broncos, and we aren’t football people so it’s just not a thing. You dig it, all good, we just don’t care that much. I miss meeting people who inspired me to want to do better, make art, make music and who were just fun. Before I lived in Denver, I was in Jersey City, and I watched the towers fall on 9/11 from there and lived in the NYC area for 12 years. coming here to get a break from school and I’m still around. I was born here, so I don’t get the natives vs transplants hate since I’m a bit of both and these people are just assholes for that fight.

I used to have Island of Misfit Toys Thanskgiving and Chrismtas dinners for my friends there whose families were far. Maybe your family is far and you just don’t want to go far, maybe your family is close and you don’t want to have to deal…either way, we are fun people, just drop a few lines about something funny, maybe just a few notes about yourself and maybe it would work out.

He’s from LA and CO and has been rotating back and forth for a while, first as a photographer and DJ and now he works in IT, I work in travel…we’ve got a dog who’s awesome, and if you had a dog who was awesome, they could come be friends with him as well. Our place is kinda small but we’ve got some room to roam outside and back…

I had some older friends in Jersey City who kind of adopted me and my friends and would have us over for little parties so we are not agists at all–I get along with lots of different kinds of people and wouldn’t mind hanging with younger, older, whatever.This isn’t some coy swingers ad either, guys—it’s just I’ve found getting any of you guys to talk in casual situations an impossibility unless we’re all grunting football. Where are you fun and friendly people in this town????? We don’t care if you are gay, straight, green, blue, black or brown–just be a decent human being.