Ugh. I know I can’t be the only one feeling this swallowing, this uncomfortable engulf into the mouth of what the fuck that this country has become. Someone told me recently I was one of those people who seemed to be concerned with the welfare and well-being of others around me and it was something to be proud of, I suppose. My social media outlets, like yours, are largely unserious and truly fairly useless in the grand context of things, unless of course someone has changed their mind–but somehow I think changing one’s mind is probably a different kind of undertaking than just reading something I have had to say about a given subject.

We are about to head into a dark place, I feel, a place which will probably feel heavy and dark through the Winter and into Spring…we have a lot of rhetoric over facts ruling our media these days and that’s pretty gross. What is also gross is even with the world’s knowledge held literally in our hands, it is hard to find what the fuck the truth is buried in heaps of bullshit, piled high depending on whose hands were fashioning it.

I feel the oppressive weight of things and the climate of the world seems very akin to when I was a kid and we had to fear the russians wiping us out any given day. What was easy to do then over worry about WTF that meant to my growing mind I hid in books and art and books and art.

Where that kid went is probably where most of your kids went as time went on…we got older, got RESPONSIBLE, got jobs and got the bills that came along with them. We now drop the fun off when we hit the front porch when it was always out the front door and off the porch we went to find it. I think this whole Fall for me will be about escape…escape into the other things I used to run with—books and poetry and art. And fashion and all my other goodies…

In two days..officially that is, it’s Fall….