So I wrote this title several days ago–I cannot tell you how many half-finished pieces of my consciousness lie as unpublished posts, but it’s not a small number and certainly not even close to representative of how many things flit through my brain as unpublished stories. I should also probably NOT publicly proclaim that I have never tried to publish a thing beyond the walls of this screen…

but it’s true and given my ass is coming up on 40 this Rocktober…yes! Can you believe you have been reading the musings of my little mind since I was 25? I think there should be a record of oldest blogs and granted mine were initially published on other networking sites…before there were BLOGs….yeah–so guess what, I am an innovator in even just my own mind.

But I am thinking…and though really how many of you have really ever gone ALLthe way back….but I am thinking of unlocking the door on all of these posts, which you will have to actually scroll through the locate. YES. Open the fucking door and leave it ajar for anyone who cares to go in—but there are like what…maybe a few dozen at least?

But the initial intention of my idea swirling from days ago would be…wouldn’t it be nice to be the inspiration for someone, be the person that inspires someone to do something better, be someone better than they may be? I think that is one of the biggest defecits in moving to a city with people whose dreams aren’t out there all obvious for the rest of us…I am sure there are dreamers and people to inspire here—I just have no fucking idea who they are. As it is we are totally in the reject queue–we don’t even get invited to much aside from the obligatory family affair—nothing fun to celebrate us being there aside from–we live in the state so yea, you should probably invite us.

But inspiration in the ways people inspire others…eventually one day I will do more than a little…because my dreams are still bigger than the room I sit inside.