November existed, and even without the company of a certain few who were there at the end of October, it definitely existed and was hands down one of my most memorable months.

The sex I had over the past month was that kind of sex that basically made me forget to do everything, save checking craigslist for worthy employment. I need to keep on funding my other side projects and with half my income gone here in a few weeks, it’s all I can do to muster the strength to compose pretty rockstar cover letters.

It is that kind of sex that keeps spinning these little musings of mine, sometimes uttered, that this was the kind of sex life I had always needed. And dreamed about. And actually usually goes to more prolific and better places than my imagination did. It’s nice to connect with someone who is right there with you, eye to eye, lip to lip, hip to hip. Over and over consuming, inhaling, drinking every bit of sex.

My companion was one who ended up saving my sanity largely from a friend who is a bit out of her mind, unable to navigate letting go of meaningless nothingness in favor of seeing the bright side of things. Screaming and yelling were the theme of her visit and my companion saved my ass largely with just being there. There were several times when he remarked how taken he was with me, and how grateful he was that I was “nothing like my friend.” My friend clogged my sewer with toilet paper habit sending 3-4 super rolls down the pipes per day to clog up and ruin not only some of my clothing, but some awesome shoes as well. The only issue with this was I warned her it would happen if she were not careful, and to maybe curb her usage, but that ended up doing nothing to thwart her habit at all. Her excuse was it was my pipes, while my landlord stormed around telling us that it had not happened in the thirty years she had owned the property. Every day was a battle of shower and getting ready time (minimum 2 hours for her) and I canceled most of the plans we had because I couldn’t take always being late for stuff. She thinks I am an asshole because I don’t think that sitting on your ass doing nothing complaining about everything while not bettering yourself is a waste of a life. A total waste of a life. No hobbies. Just tv. No job. Just complaining.

I can readily admit though I might not have hooked up with my companion if not for her visit, I would also not have seen how fantastic it was that I left. I left Colorado Springs when I was 12 to Massatwoshits. I left Massatwoshits on the verge of 22 to NYC and stayed for the next 12 years. Then I moved here. I never let the stink of the East Coast weigh me down, drown me, turn me into the first thought’s negative point of view holding scowling cloud that is my friend. Scowling, face upside-down. Literally mouth upside-down. Thank god my parents turned us into the moving kind. I have never been afraid to leave. I am always looking for the next adventure.

He took us out, driving through the mountains, taking us downtown, seeing art, and basically was a total rockstar. Throughout it we laughed, and he never got too short with my friend, except when she tried to suggest girls were apt to lose their periods for doing any sport whatsoever, something she had read about once.

Right now I am almost blinded inside, and though I plan on continuing to write for the website about my many stories and still go out in search of new friends, this category is very fulfilled.

Six weeks. Ahem. If you have been a douche and not contacted me in 6 weeks, well, I suppose we are probably not friends. I have a few of you dudes I met who are very cool awesome people and I of course would love to hang out again after I come out of my sex haze. I am thinking it might happen, maybe.

I would also like to add that a matching of appetites, and mutual affinity happening at the exact same time is so rare that I am sorry, there is no talking me out of it. I would also like to point out that my website is going to have a new entry titled 7 Things Not to Say When You First Start Dating. It is largely based on hilarity, but some of you are sure to recognize yourselves in it, for sure. And I make it funny, even though some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh yes! And a brunch also happened last month. A very fancy brunch for the East Coast crew, which included my ex boyfriend F and his girlfriend. Here we are. And here is a photo of the two of them at my table.

Hello World? Jobs. Bartending, waitressing, creative consulting, management, customer service. Emphasis on creative. I made the sad realization the other day I have found the majority of my corporate jobs through relationships, networking, I did with other people. Not since 2001 have I had to go look blindly.
