Oh man, I need to ease right up, sister. I have this thing with running away. I need to stop doing that and looking at what’s laid out in front of me.

Lisa and I were speaking about running off to Europe for most of September. How would I manage that? Oh, no, I’d find a way. There’s a way with a little bit of will most of the time. I say it often that money is one of those things you can manage to find when you need it badly enough. But there is also something to be said for common sense, which I actually have in buckets, but sometimes really love this irresponsible life of mine (the one where I basically don’t owe my time or dedication to anyone at all). But I do owe me, and I really need to stop running to the edges of the earth to escape myself.

So the workshop I had been excited about? Oh yeah. I was just gonna…you know, drop out of it. When someone offers to pay and fly you to Europe for a while, this is what you think about doing. Well, you begin weighing the options anyhow, and even though the fun end leans heavier towards complete dereliction of responsibility, I have to be somewhat practical, since I am no longer dying and all.

It all really started changing (my mind that is) once one of my writer friends said to me about recent behavior…”I thought you were running again, and I was really not happy to think of that because I knew you were excited about this workshop. But then I realized, Nah, she can’t run far, I know where she lives.” How that came through in various conversations, my relation to running, is so beyond me, I just don’t even know. But it was one of those, oh, so maybe people are listening…what a pleasant surprise that really is.

But between my money situation being largely intangible and in need of some consistency, and the fact that my lame horoscope said this when I just randomly checked it (I don’t usually do that until AFTER the fact), well, let’s just say the universe is throwing shit at me and I better be listening:

Your Daily Horoscope – Libra

Sunday, August 14th 2011

Week Ahead: Your career and business life need more focused effort. Love: Not every day will be rosy, when emotions are involved, there can be highs and lows. Career: Check the details. Do not leave a situation to chance. Money: If your pockets are not lined with disposable cash right now, keep in mind the work you do now will pay off in the future. Key Words: Do not let obstacles stand in your way.

Since I am my biggest damn obstacle, I need to move that ass right out of the way. And I am including the horoscope purely for entertainment’s value…I haven’t checked it in some days and things like that are largely why…

I had been so incredibly excited about this memoir workshop, and I was going to just chuck it to the wind and throw it away to go play and delay the supreme satisfaction I am still seeking, which is of course to make money doing what I love.

With that being said, I am going to give a little homage to my favorite bike ride on the planet, in Jersey City, NJ, a hop skip and jump across the river from Manhattan. I tell people all of the time we are close enough to NYC, we saw the WTC towers smoking and fall on 9/11 we were right there. Jersey City is closer than Staten Island, and of course infinitely classier. I will of course have more photos documenting my life there later on…since I assume most of my readers are Colorado kittens these days, I will have to share a little slice of my life there. Also, I know shows like the Jersey Shore have been a detriment to Jersey Folks, but I just wanted to show you how fantastically beautiful it is to have NYC skyline views while everyone over there? They get a boring thumbs down view of Jersey. I cannot wait to rent a bike when I return to do this little ride again..I don’t think I have a ton of photos of the town, but I will include some faces so you can actually attach them to a name later on~

statue of liberty from in front of that long bike path

Fall uniform

WTC hole complete with cranes