I just want to take a minute to praise New York state for finally growing a pair and allowing people to get married no matter what their sexual preference might be. It has been something that is almost hard to believe given the majority of the population is clearly not attached to any kind of religious hierarchy–but thankfully reason woke up and spoke .

I am a little closer to the issues simply for my friends who have been discriminated against for not their choices, but what life chose for them. Being gay is not a choice, and certainly not one any rational person would choose for themselves given the discrimination that they have to suffer through from every aspect of their lives. I am just happy that these kinds of advancements will continue on hopefully nationwide until a third of the states get their designation, paving the way for Federal recognition.

The very fact that you can get married in a field or city hall without a minister presiding over your service should have predicated the fact that it does not matter what your religious leaders think, and removed their power to even try and sway the vote one way or another. What a crock that whole argument was anyways.

This reminds me of an argument I decided not to get into the other day when someone was tirading off about how NBC removed the “one nation under God” line from the pledge last week. He claimed that this country was founded on the principles of God…something he actually was very wrong about. Many of the founding fathers were deists, or atheists for the time, basically removing all ideas of heaven hell sin and absolution from their vocabulary. They believed God came and created, and left, in no principles of heaven or hell or any of the other stuff. The country was founded on principles of escaping religious persecution, even so much so that not having a religion was not to be persecuted. I am sure the founding fathers would be turning in their graves to see how people like to classify and cherry pick their facts to suit their needs.

I hope one day that people will be able to treat people as people and not sit resolute in the fact that their own moral code or standing should be applied to everyone. If it isn’t hurting you, what do you care? I am not advocating for people who steal or murder, clearly, but what people do privately is none of your business. It infuriates me to read the commentary about people suggesting that all gay people are spreading disease or turning their children simply for existing. You don’t know anyone who is gay, you are probably not educated to have an opinion on it beyond regurgitating what garbage you were told, largely sterotypes and not based in any personal fact, so why not educate yourself directly? And what you see in tv is certainly no substitute for reality–but this is something most Jersey-shore watching Americans are unaware of–and most of the reason stupidity runs rampant.

So my phone broke, interfering with continuous internet. I am sitting in my sister’s backyard right now typing away…I just wanted to write a little something…

I’m running away this week up into the mountains. Originally I wanted to try and bring someone to complete my 9th wheel status with four couples, and you know, actually have someone of my own to hang out with, but it looks like I am always the odd one out, always the girl without anyone to hang onto. I’d almost be convinced there is something wrong with me, but no way. I just won’t settle, ever.

I am actually starting to recognize that I am so used to this state that the man that pulls me out of it is going to have to be some kind of magic one…someone with a lot to offer. Because going out on my own, taking my butt out to dinner and for drinks is a lot less expensive and exasperating than it used to be. I decide what and where I go and leave all of the time. Why would I give that up for just, whatever?

I wouldn’t. He is going to have to be a kind of genius of sorts. And fun, and active. And not some douchebag with nothing to say or offer. That’s not to say that is everyone I have met of course. I just need a lot more to keep me amused than the average girl…it’s a challenge nobody has been up for yet, but I am undeterred. You cannot have the balls I do and sit alone for life…that would be tragic.