So I realize that I can’t go off on political rants every time I have the opportunity to, but I am also pretty sure that I would have nothing but fun if I were to make that a rule of my little editorials. I have a number of them in the works, and as Kristen said to me yesterday, maybe this is kismet, Deanna…maybe you did go through all of this stuff so you could advocate for people who need it. Because there is a lot of injustice in this world right now, and I swear, if I were to even run for political office, it would have to be under the guise of the humanist’s party. This is a huge problem that I have right now with people at large–everyone is in it for themselves, nobody cares about their fellow man except if they happen to believe the exact same things they do, and all in all, even with all of this instant gratification of the internet to keep us connected, people seem to have forgotten some of the most very basic principles of being good to each other, without judgment, without violence, with just basic love. This is perfectly illustrated to me with a comment several of my relatives have made to me about nationalized health care. “But, Deanna,” they’ve urged, “You wouldn’t have the same level of care if everyone could get it.” Right, and somehow because I was fortunate enough to have health care, I should be the only person allowed to get it? No, no. That’s now how it works. Anyways, more editorials are coming soon, but can we all just send our love and prayers and healing thoughts to Japan here for a second please?

Though while we are at it…I have actually seen some ignorant people’s judgments that this earthquake Japan just suffered through was somehow payback for Pearl Harbor? Really!?!?! The 250,000 people we killed and poisoned generations to come with our little bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima when they killed 2400 during their attack? We caused a hundred times the death and destruction and suffering and you really want to say that? Shame on you America. Shame on any of you for saying or even thinking this for even a second.

But onto more happy thoughts. Spring is in a week!!! I am moving in less than three weeks! The sun is shining and though it’s cold and frigid, it is getting there, slowly, slowly. Products are still being constructed and formulated for this site, and if you check and see, the heart posts are actually about heart-related concerns instead of the everything that was there a few days ago.

It’s cause for a dance party–I miss you Kristen M and our amazing dance parties, Spring Brunches, and celebrations we had just because being alive was just that awesome! This reminds me…yes, I am having a going away party, and yes, there will be dancing. A LOT of it.