Wow. Now I know a lot of people will snicker or shake themselves awake with this one, offering all kinds of explanations of why this is happening, the least of which of course has anything to do with Jesus or any of the Bible’s supposed warnings of the upcoming apocalypse. The book itself was written by man, and we are rife with all kinds of disparities, hypocrisies and various other characteristics which have basically shown we are just as stupid as we were two thousand years ago. We never learn from our extravagant mistakes because it is not in our nature to volunteer that we are wrong. I am pretty sure this is because our egos sometimes have a hard time sitting in the same space with other just as relevant realities.

But Peter King? Really? The radicalization of Muslims? You want to have a tribunal basically putting people on trial before they do anything simply because they share a characteristic of believing in the same religion? You don’t know what it was like to be here after 9/11, you have no idea how scared everyone was of each other. I sat in the subways, I watched people of of Muslim descent basically shaking from fear because people did rely on one incident committed by a few dozen people to judge millions of people. I watched women cry in fear and mourn just as we all did, I watched young families separating themselves from the crowds to try and reach safety. I mean, really? What is this, WWII all over again?!? And before you try and judge me by calling me a blasted liberal (yeah and since when did liberal take on such a twisted meaning?!?!). Please review this:  You might want to pay attention to this little snippet while you are at it, because it illustrates my point beautifully (WE ARE MORONS!!!):

On February 19th 1942 Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

I mean, really? What the hell is wrong with you America? We were supposedly founded on the principle that we were trying to escape religious persecution in England, but see, that protection only seems to matter if you believe in that bearded cloud jumping fool with the white robes spinning all kinds of stuff for the weak-minded. Our founding fathers would be doing backflips in their graves to see this shoddy excuse for humanity we try to pimp out to the world. Oh America, we are the BEST of the world, the land of the free (well free to be Christian anyways), we are so smart we let the rich run us straight into the ground. They take your good paying jobs, ship them off to India and any number of foreign countries with cheaper labor than us, and actually give the companies who do this massive tax breaks. No, but you aren’t mad at that part of the government, you are actually just going to blame Obama for not doing enough?!?! Who the heck runs the whole government? Paranoid, delusional Republicans…who, for all intents and purposes, are really just less evolved than their liberal counterparts…No, really, I am not kidding. Check this article out for more validation. I know you all have seen or maybe even some have been able to identify with this super paranoid state of existence, but it certainly negates the idea that conservatives are more right than liberals…they are just more EMOTIONAL, which explains the whole fear-mongering aspect of the conservative existence.

For example:

Some key points: Analyzing the data, Sulloway said liberals were 4.9 times more likely than conservatives to show activity in the brain circuits that deal with conflicts and were 2.2 times more likely to score in the top half of the distribution for accuracy.

So not only are you paranoid, but you are also WRONG more times than those wretched liberals.

Oh, this whole idea came from an article like this, though this isn’t the exact article I read:

and because you should never believe just one source:

The ideas you can garner from this include:

“We found that the thickness of the cerebrum, in which nerve cells neurons are, is thicker in people who call themselves liberal or left Wing and thinner than those who call themselves conservatives or right wing,” said Rees in the program BBC Radio’s Today .

Ah-ha! So not only are you more primitive in your paranoia, but you also seem to be a little less blessed with the neurons which are involved in good decision making/judgment calls. So how on earth did you ever come into power? Oh yeah, fear. What you all should really fear are these primitive, less evolved fools making decisions for you in regards to any kind of evolution, be it economic, social, whatever.

Because at the end of the day, it will be these people, unyielding, and refusing to learn anything new, even when presented with proof, who will bring their versions of hell to rain down on your parades.

**UPDATE: For those still thinking I am out of my mind for thinking Mr. King is a moron, check this out:…Strangely this came to my attention only after I wrote this, but should leave you all with a warm and fuzzy feeling, and hopefully something along the lines of “WTF, really? How is this guy even given an audience?” I love the comments, they are often the best part of reading any news article these days.