down by the duck pen and shed

I make these trips when I am here…nothing exciting mind you, but it’s still a trip and it’s still leaving the farm. To go to Dunkin Donuts…yes, it’s silly for me not to make coffee here but it’s just one of those things I make myself do so I am not only physically presentable at some point during the day, but also say something in person to another human being during the day. Of course this is usually, “Hi, how are you. Can I have a medium coffee with cream and three sugars?” This seems bizarre and insane I realize, but it’s a situation of complete solitude aside from my two friends here. So my pleases and thank yous are sometimes the only things making me feel like a part of everyday society.

I do enjoy this morning, err, sometimes afternoon adventures, too, because it gives me music time in the car. I am one of those people who, when happy and all that will break out into spontaneous dance moves where ever I happen to be. My roommate and I would always have these kitchen dance offs, backyard breakdowns and all good things which made me a happy happy girl. Now I dance in my seat. I am one of those fools you see freaking out in their car as they drive down the road, dancing and tapping and doing little faux drum moves and all that stuff…but I look a slight cooler because of the car I drive, this little red viper looking convertible thing (it’s not a viper, no way). And I don’t care what I look like during my little car dance offs. It’s actually one of those things that when I am doing it, makes me feel a heck of a lot better, much less lonely (I don’t get this but whatever), and makes me feel like I can take over the world. You know those little moments of reflection you find yourself in…

Next week is Masshell and JC time. Heading up to see some friends and family. There’s a party here this Sunday, and yeah, I’ll throw some photos up…the current condition of the house I am supposed to be cleaning is not so fluffy fresh. So you have to see it in all its pristine glory. When I say they went all out…well the 12 foot tree with hundreds of ornaments is a lot. Gorgeous but I don’t envy him when he has to take it down.

I found someone to do my website properly (a good friend helped me and gave me the template and made my fancy banners and has been trying to push me to develop it on my own but I am impatient and feel distracted given I just want to make the products, not the showroom)-so on Monday I am speaking with an awesome woman who is helping me (more on that and her later). But let me just say I will have a site which will be beautiful I know. So these little blogs might be pared down even further–I suspect within the first week or two of the new year I will actually have what I need to do what I need to do…which is more than exciting!

Still missing Asa-sometimes one of them will call the other girl dog Sterling, Asa. Last night I sat on the couch and looked behind me and saw yellow and thought I sat on her. Then there is the clicking of nails I hear which makes me think of her. Sheesh. My girl started the decade out with me, and left right before it ended.

This year was really….well, to be entirely honest-throw it away. Nothing good happened last year. Not a thing. I met some new people who were lovely in my life. But as far as anything actually happening and the evolution of certain things as well as the degradation of certain things…well let me just say I am happy this year is over and that a new decade begins in a week or so. And this one is going to be mine all mine.