So I have been inside the studio all day trying to get this stuff organized. I had to literally pick and pare down the entries over yonder so that they weren’t entirely redundant and protect people I care about (though looking at stuff now makes me realize the patterns I always insist on repeating and forget). I also had edited a bunch of stuff from 2009 and 2010 which somehow were saved as new entries so I had to delete them…more fun for tomorrow!

Reading through–I spent an inordinate amount of time fixated on the wrong things (more on that later).  There was also at one point a lot of dirty detailing of stuff nobody really wants to read about (really) so those will still be locked down from inside where I pulled those suckers from. It’s a seriously draining thing to go through this stuff ALL over again. It’s like reliving hell (and yeah, some pretty funny moments too)–hell in that you might have forgotten some things, and hell in that you see the repetition, over and over again. I have the most ridiculous heart-in-head headache right now…

But at the end of the day, I am happy I have so many of these records…I definitely had my memory sparked reading through them again–and I have several more years to download tomorrow to fill the hole…(as I did live a life in between 2006-2010). Much of the past year has not been documented…still trying to figure stuff out…but there’s enough, and the stuff which is most remarkable I would never write down entirely…with space and time from events, it’s much easier to disclose because it doesn’t matter the same as it ever could, or would, anymore…and I am really pretty close with anyone I mentioned who would be able to self-identify (since the names were changed) and have nothing bad to say so, it’s all good now.

That head of mine was very prolific for a long time. I am just happy to have it all compiled in one place instead of across four blogs with no cohesiveness.