Running around naked and spewing random thoughts at walls–oops. Shut your mouth, girl. Release the pen.

It’s funny that I seem to go through phases where I want to just purge all that sits in my head, and other days where you can’t get me to budge on anything too inside because it’s just not coming out. Some people are better pullers than others, and some people just don’t care, which is not altogether bad because I find myself caring less and less as time goes on…

I have also gained ground in being more aggressive and not letting people sidle in and mess stuff up just because they think it is their right to be in my face and in my’s beyond jealousy–I am always attracting the weak at heart and mind as special friends. And I am not talking about the dating kind but those who naturally latch on to you because you represent a wholler and more complete person than they are…that whole opposites attract thing seems to be more polished in regards to my friendships than anywhere else–well, entirely.

I do need to write more…my only experimentation as of late has involved less in terms of personal goals but helping others for things they need.

So yeah, here we go again…hopefully this log of thoughts won’t get lost in internet ether land–and if it does I hope in its place I can have visions of all things beautiful I treasure about summer.