
i finished one class, one is still going. we are even having a makeup session during reading week.

that class i am petrified of. i have to write a paper on Derrida and Levinas incorporating some Attridge. I should use a novel, or good example of literature to support my idea (thesis). i don’t think i have read anything novel-worthy, or anything which might be impressive to a college lit professor in years. I don’t know what to do and I am freaking out!10-15 pages of goodness is what i need. garbage is not acceptable.

thanksgiving was good. turkey for me and F. then river and 5 others came over to partake. then i left that Friday evening on a bus to go to mass to see my parents with F. we had a really good time and my parents weren’t weird about him staying with me in the guest room bed. this is a huge win for me since i am over 30 and it has always been looked down upon. they like him a lot and invited him up to mass for post Christmas. again it will be Friday night through the weekend. he was very interactive with everyone (much more so than anyone I have dated before). and he is shy, so that is even weirder.

i am going to Denver if i can convince my boss to let me from the 31st through the 12 or something, then F goes to Uruguay for ever. I mean, for the rest of the month once I come back. I am very comfortable with him around. i cannot sleep without him in my bed so well…

vhatever, enough of that.

love to you peepers. I try to log on but I am not so good with this. i owe tara a gift and a letter but I is poor and could not attend your party due to stupid final preparation. I need your number Francine because my messages are all erased with your number!

bye eye bye.